Our Founder

My name is Amanda Wendel, founder and president of Pain to Purpose. In February 2019, I became a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and was assigned my first case with three siblings who were being placed into their foster care home directly from the emergency shelter. When they arrived we began to unload the suburban, I noticed that all of their belongings were in black trash bags. This had a deep impact on me and I knew something had to change. These children go through so much. I felt compelled to find a way to give them dignity by providing suitcases they can call their own to move their belongings. In July 2019, Pain to Purpose became a non-profit organization and my team began reaching out to the community for support as well as attending community functions to get the word out. Through the generosity of our Crossroads community and beyond, from 2020 continuing through 2021, we were able to purchase and distribute 300 suitcases, toiletry bags, towel sets and toiletries to the children in foster care. To date, we have distributed over 1200 of the same sets to cover almost 30 counties, including the Victoria Crossroads area. Local agencies will also maintain a supply for when they respond in an emergency situation. Together we can make a difference.

Meet Our Team